The Einstein Project, Kolej Yayasan Saad, Melaka
Summary of Project:
Our project focuses on teaching Maths and Science in an interactive way. It is also completely online, which means that participants had their own choice of studying in their own comfortable space.
Problem Statement:
We observed that Maths and Science were considered as some of the hardest subjects by students. Therefore, we want to help them to end their struggles by encouraging them to learn in a fun and interactive way. This way, not only could they understand the subjects better, they could also have a meaningful learning experience instead of just rote memorization.
Participants Demographics:
The participants are Form 1 and Form 2 students from Kolej Yayasan Saad. The total number of participants was about 58 people. We found that the participants have a basic understanding of these subjects, but they were unable to explain the concepts back to us when asked.
Project Impact & Impact Measurement Method:
We used Google form to collect feedback from our participants, and Quizziz to test their understanding. We also interviewed 10 of our participants to see how they feel about our project.
Changes Observed In Participants (Improvements/Progress):
As our project progressed, our participants become more engaged with us as they felt comfortable to open up to us. Other than that, they have also become a lot more active than we expected them to be. This way, they could gain points to win prizes from us!
Challenges/Setbacks Faced:
We had quite a number of challenges throughout the execution of our project. Firstly, we had problems in terms of communication with our teammates since we were often not in the same place and had to rely on virtual communicate, which was not a very effective way. Other than that, we had busy schedules with exams and other school commitments, which made us twice as stressed.