Student Voice Matters 2024 — Project ID
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 Student Voice Matters 2024


An overview of SVM 2024 insights


Here are the three focus areas for SVM 2024 :

  1. State/Future of Learning: How can we enhance the learning experience?

  2. Student Well-being: How can we improve students' socio-emotional health?

  3. Innovating Learning: How can we prepare students for life after school?



Student voice in education is changing how we accelerate and invest in their learning

Students speaking and engaging in educational workshops and events

In its 5th issue incorporating over 1,100 student voices, SVM 2024 seeks to push the boundaries of what we imagine is possible for learning, well-being and life after school.

Whether you are a teacher, school leaders, parent or policymaker making sense of SVM 2024, we hope that you will use these to empower students to take ownership of their own learning process.


“It requires more for students to succeed in life. Students need working experience for their future to get better jobs. The traditional education is not much helping students to get the jobs they want. What is the point of ambition then?”
— Form 2 student in Selangor

Read, Watch, Share!

Explore Student Voice Matters and Project ID in the news.


Malaysian students have mixed feelings, but ‘generally comfortable’ to begin physical classes again

Feature from Malay Mail

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Lebih separuh daripada pelajar negara ini pilih pembelajaran hibrid

Media Feature from Astro Awani

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Student Voice Matters (SVM) - by Project ID

Feature from HundrED

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School closure takes toll on pupils, survey reveals

Feature from The Malaysian Insight

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Malaysian students have mixed feelings, but ‘generally comfortable’ to begin physical classes again

Feature from Yahoo!

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Survey finds most students enjoy hybrid learning

Feature from The Malaysian Insight

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6.8分舒适度 学生满意返校上课

Media Feature from leading Chinese newspaper in Malaysia, Nanyang

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M’sian students excited to return to school despite mixed feelings

Feature from Focus Malaysia

Read Here



How Can We Build Powerful Youth-Adult Partnerships?

The Teach For All network share their experience in building impactful partnerships with students, to empower and create change in schools and the wider community.

Featuring Kelvin Tan (CEO of Project ID and Alumnus of Teach For Malaysia) and Nur Ariana Iman binti Mohd Farid (Student, Teach For Malaysia and Project ID) among others.

Watch the full discussion to learn more from the panelists.



Beyond four walls: Building a more conducive learning environment post-COVID

Teach For All convened a diverse panel of practitioners moderated by the Financial Times Global Education Editor Andrew Jack from across the network and beyond at the 2021 UKFIET Conference, including Project ID CEO Kelvin Tan.

Watch the full discussion for more insights and perspectives from the panelists.


BFM 89.9 Podcast - Empowering Students with Leadership Skills

In an effort to bridge those gaps, co-founder and CEO Kelvin Tan shares how Project ID is working tirelessly to empower students with leadership skills, and how those skills will carry the next generation into a brighter future.


Seek to Speak Podcast - Online Learning and Student Empowerment with Kelvin of Project ID

Kelvin Tan, co-founder and CEO of Project ID explains how he grew a school-based initiative into the impactful social enterprise it is now!


Student Voice Featured!

Special thanks to the many news and publications that featured us.


Explore our previous survey insights!



Student voice in education is changing how we accelerate and invest in their learning

Student agency and voice have become more important than ever in the education space. By listening to and incorporating student inputs in their education, we can reshape teaching to match how students want to learn.


Students’ Perspectives after Two Years of Online Learning & School Closures

Following two years of remote classes, students shed light on their preferences, and challenges in their learning post-pandemic.


Changes in Students’ Online Learning Experience After A Year

Recurring school closures have prevented students from returning to normalcy, and virtual classes continue to be the core mode of learning for many students.


How Students Are Coping with the Switch to Online Learning

Since the Movement Control Order, teachers nationwide continued classes and student learning through online platforms: Google Classrooms & Whatsapp.



Connect with us!

We are Project ID!

We are an education organisation that focuses on creating innovative learning experiences for students. Over the past year, we have run over 300 free virtual workshops endorsed by the Ministry of Education to provide high-quality self-development resources in career planning, emotional well-being & more!


Join our growing and passionate student community!

  1. Get The Latest Updates @ PID’s Official Instagram

  2. Get First-Hand News & Announcements @ PID Online Whatsapp Group

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