DreamCatcher µDegree 2021



Project ID worked with DreamCatcher to conceptualise a 5-day personal development programme for B40 youth as part of their manufacturing specialist µdegree. It aims to improve youth employability by helping participants feel more confident, empathetic, self-aware and disciplined in the workplace.

Over the course of the 5-day workshop, the participants learn through participating in a variety of learning activities, such as talks, group tasks, role-play, discussions and online interactive platforms such as Padlet, Mentimeter and Google Docs. Reflections and journal writing at the end of sessions are also employed to ensure clear understanding and concrete takeaway of the sessions.


Programme Overview



Students discover things that motivate them in life, and describe their aspirations and values. They also identify where to seek support from and how to manage their emotions in difficult situations


Habitual changes

Students describe habits they want to get-rid of and want to cultivate. Following that, they recognize their next-steps towards developing good habits and throwing away bad habits.


Work ethic

Students learn to identify values and behaviours valued by employers, call out preferred and non-preferred behaviours, and identify who they want to be in the workplace.


Pathway development

Students recognise the effort needed to become successful and identify the potential roadblocks to achieving their goals.


Why work?

Students recognise the value of their work and the impact of their actions at work, and are able to connect why they need to work hard here to achieve their bigger purpose.