“Project ID helped me in the first place to try new things and discover my own talents. Not just that, I also learnt that I need to have more confidence and believe myself in anything that I do. It helped me in making new friends of different ages and to not be shy to share the things I love with people that are close to me.
Despite what people said to let me feel down, I became more positive towards everything that happened and keep on moving and the love of learning will always be in my heart.
Zest, Grit and Collaboration as it is!”
— Hajar, Project ID 2014 Cohort
“Dulu saya memang tak tahu kalau nak jadi doktor nak ambil subjek apa. Lepas Project ID, saya dah tahu bayak cara untuk menetapkan dan memetakan matlamat saya. Saya melayari internet untuk check apa subjek nak ambil. Sekarang saya tahu ambil bidang sains untuk menjadi seorang doktor, dan saya berjaya masuk kelas Sains Tulen.”
— Kok Hao, Project ID 2014 Cohort
“Dulu saya nak masuk sukan olahraga sekolah tapi saya malu sebab badan saya gemuk. Lepas saya masuk Project ID, dalam Form 2, saya dah yakin - orang gemuk takkan tak boleh buat apa-apa, orang gemuk mesti ada kelebihan diri. Akhirnya, saya pun masuk dan dapat jadi olahraga sekolah.”
— Anis, Project ID 2015 Cohort
“Since 2013, Project ID has greatly contributed to the success and development of students in SMK Pendamaran Jaya, Klang. Project ID has created a positive impact among the students that is consistent with the 6 student aspirations outlined in the Malaysian Education Blueprint. I wholeheartedly hope that Project ID will continue it’s good work to develop the potential of students in SMK Pendamaran Jaya.”
— Pn. Jawariah Bt Md Zin, Principal of SMK Pendamaran Jaya (2013-17)
“Project ID must be continued because students who join have far more self-confidence, better language ability especially in English and they are more outspoken and sociable than their peers. They also come up with their own innovative programs that require high commitments and teamwork and are able to support teachers in managing school events. I was surprised and impressed when two of the Project ID kids volunteered to be emcees and they did a really good job!”
— En. Mukhtar, Principal of SMK Pendamaran Jaya (2018-Present)
“Through my son’s involvement in Project ID, I’ve seen how Project ID emphasize the development of children while instilling in them good values and important skills that can help them achieve their ambitions. I support Project ID’s activities and invite other parents to lend their support and encourage their children to join Project ID. Let’s empower our children to aim higher and achieve more.”
— En. Safri, PIBG Chairperson of SMK Pendamaran Jaya, Parent of Syakir (Project ID 2015 Cohort)
“After my daughter joined Project ID, she is exposed to more information, new knowledge and social skills. I see big change in her. She is now more confident than before! She is brave to speak in public and express her opinions now.”
— Pn. Azlina, mother of Hajar (Project ID 2014 Cohort)
“Saya suka tengok dia lebih bergaul dengan kawan-kawan dia. Sekarang dia lebih berkeyakinan untuk melakukan sesuatu dan lebih berani mencuba.”
— Pn. Masita, mother of Nur Izzatul Nabila (Project ID 2018 Cohort)
“Saya sangat sangat menggalakkan dia menyertai Project ID sebab saya tahu Poject ID banyak buat perkara baik. Setiap kali selepas dia balik dari aktiviti Project ID, dia macam lebih bermotivasi. Cara pertuturan dia juga sudah menjadi lebih sopan dan baik sebab dulu dia kasar dengan kawan dan dengan kita. Jadi saya memang suka dia join aktiviti Project ID.”
— Pn. Siti Rafeah, Mother of Muhd Muaz Haikal (Project ID 2018 Cohort)